Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What's Victoria's Secret?

I don't know if other mere mortals with XX chromosomes feel this.  But my husband yet again recorded the annual Victoria's Secret fashion show.  Is it wrong to feel small?  Is it wrong to feel like it's a punch to the gut?
BEFORE:  Under construction
 Is this just because my period is coming in six days so my hormones are turning me into a super nova of emotions?

AFTER: Worship meeeee!  Wish you were meeeee!

This is one of those instances where I wish I were a man.  All they suffer from is penis envy.  Females of the species on the other hand, have to suffer quietly every time their boyfriend / husband / significant other of the moment gives a walking (or God forbid, JOGGING) Barbie the head-to-toe-and-toe-to-head drinking-it-all-in gaze.  

Yes, I know, Christina Aguilera.  We're beautiful no matter what they say et cetera, et cetera.  And I'm really thankful for the more than adequate endowments the Almighty gave me.

But seriously, whoever didn't feel like booger watching the Victoria's Secret Fashion show is either:
a) Heidi Klum, or
b) a heterosexual man

Case closed.  ...And now, to start saving for a boob job.  HAHAHAHAHAHA.

No, seriously.