Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Housewife Reviews for the NCLEX-RN

This blog was conceived out of a protracted argument with my beloved husband.  As of today, it's been five days of Arctic cold shoulders from both ends. 
 Well, he did talk to me once, just to ask me to edit his presentation for his European bosses.  Then...nary a "thank you" afterward.  I don't know what the heck is going on in his frontal lobe.  Oh, Lord, look at me sharing my thoughts with a laptop. 

My mother who just happens to also be my best friend lives outside the U.S.  All my girlfriends have their own drama going on.  We're at an age where people are about to be married, just got married, just had kids, or are having none of the above because the ascent on the career ladder is all that could be had at the moment.

Also, I saw this episode "Private Lives" on House yet again (yes, I adorrrrre that show), and Donna's character said: with the internet, nobody can ever be lonely again, or something like that.  (Y'know, Donna, from "That 70's Show".  How am I supposed to remember her real name?)

I shouldn't be feeling lonely.  I have my three year old son, the light of my life.  He's up in his room, playing with Thomas The Train or Lightning McQueen.  He's a miracle baby.  But let's save that for later.  Meanwhile, I'm down here in the kitchen trying to decide if I'll write about loneliness or the impending, dreaded NCLEX-RN.

WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!  THE NCLEX!!!!!!!  It's almost noon and I still haven't studied!  I have Procrastinitis.   I should just switch off the computer right now and dive into Saunders and Mosby. . . . .

...well, whaddyaknow.  I'm still here.  Why is it that just when we have something to do right now, a hundred things we don't really need to do gets done, huh?  

When I woke up this morning, I said, ahhh, I'm going to review Fluid and Electrolyte imbalances.  But noooo, I ended up baking, then watching two episodes of "Family Guy".  Yesterday, when I wanted to review maternity nursing, I ended up cleaning the house then doing my nails.  When I wanted to read on pharmacology, I found myself doing the laundry then playing with my son on the Island of Sodor.  

Don't get me wrong.  I had good grades in nursing school.  But I'm having a hard time concentrating now.  Maybe I should use the furry handcuffs upstairs, attach me to the study table and throw away the key. 

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